The magical worlds of Disney and Pixar have arrived on the Miko 3 robot. The collaboration is a historic “first” for the consumer robotics space —...
Giving children the opportunity to indulge their creativity while satiating their curiosity, the ongoing 12th edition of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF), is conducting stimulating...
Misa Social Robot is a next-generation smart robot that is targeted at families and kids. Misa responds to ‘Hey Misa’ and can do a lot of...
The age of the robots is here – and we mean for the better. A wide range of companies have started investing in robotics and telepresence,...
ILife Digital has announced the launch of MISA, a next-generation social family robot, which will be available in the UAE from October 20, 2020. Responding to its...
These four-legged dog-like robots can sit, shake hands and roll over. They also can perform 360-degree camera scans, handle 30-degree grades and climb stairs for hours...
Scribit has launched what it claims is the world’s first write and erase robot that can turn any vertical surface into a canvas to display visual...