Gearbox Software, the renowned game development studio famous for the Borderlands franchise, is reportedly being put up for sale as its parent company, Embracer Group, explores...
Warner Bros. and developer Monolith have revealed new details about Middle-earth: Shadow of War, namely that the game has a microtransaction store called the Market. In Shadow...
Intel has cancelled its Intel Developer Forum (IDF) developer events. Earlier in the year, the company said that it wasn’t going to hold an IDF in...
Developer Bungie has invited players to “enter Destiny’s Age of Triumph and celebrate your legend” with the final live event for sci-fi shooter Destiny. Age of...
Facebook has launched a challenge for developers spread across the Middle East and Africa to create innovative bots in the Bots for Messenger Developer Challenge. This aligns...
Particle City’s CCG Titanfall: Frontline will be shut down after just four months in soft launch. The developer announced the game’s closure via its official Facebook...
Video game publisher Maximum Games, in partnership with developer Spiral House, has today announced that its upcoming action adventure game, Troll and I, will be releasing...